Top 10 Reasons to use Macrat’s Study Manuals

Sep 7, 2020 | Product News

I can’t help but burst with pride when we publish new material, especially study manuals. The material is just so goooooooooood!

There are obviously many other study guides or cram books on the market, but they just don’t match up with Macrat’s workbooks. They are too short; they encourage rote learning; they are too detailed; they are too expensive; they don’t encourage learners to consider the plot and characters … in fact, there is not one other study guide that I would recommend.

Granted, I am biased, but I honestly do have good grounds to base my opinions on. Macrat’s intention has never been to do all the work of the teacher or the learner; instead the manuals are designed to make learners think about the inner workings of their literature texts so that they can answer any question that might come their way. Background information of the author and novel is readily available at the library or on the internet. Macrat rather concentrates on why things happen, how and why characters react the way they do and what the intention behind the novel might have been. Learners who consider issues and formulate sound arguments around these issues are the ones that succeed!

A summary of the 10 good reasons to use Macrat’s study manuals:

  1. Workbooks that make learners think for themselves.
  2. Space for learners to jot down answers and ideas.
  3. Learners are encouraged to explore the motives of characters and understand the plot so that any question can be answered.
  4. Strong emphasis on the use of quotes to substantiate opinions.
  5. Suggested answers included at the back of the manual.
  6. Comments by critics and reviews give learners a sense of what other people think of the text, so that they can critically evaluate their own thinking.
  7. Extension or ‘fun’ activities inspire writing and speaking about the text which leads to a greater familiarity which, in turn, results in learners who can think out of the box when answering essay questions.
  8. Excellent value for money.
  9. Includes prep for essay questions: shows how to plan effectively rather than just learn a few ‘canned’ answers.
  10. Includes contextual questions which are excellent for revision, or can be used as a personal test to check understanding of the text.

Macrat: the very best you can buy!


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