Create authentic-looking newspaper articles

Nov 3, 2016 | Web Watch

A great way of getting learners to re-create their understanding of a topic in a different medium is the use of the newspaper report, with headline and article. An easy to use and fun digital tool on allows them to do this with an authentic-looking result.

At this website learners are able to type in the name of a newspaper, a date, and a title for their report. Then they write their news report or story, press the “Generate” button and the image appears! From there, they can download it and print or post it anywhere they wish to.

Your learners can use this for literature activities where they generate reports based on studies of events in plays or novels, for language practice, and transactional writing skills too of course. And apart from English study, there are plenty of opportunities for interdisciplinary activities as well.

This is a fabulous site, so check it out now, and plan lessons that involve using it.

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